
Showing posts from June, 2019

The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki & the Inspiration for my Future Novel: Tension

It wasn't by choice that I read The Tale of Genji by Lady Murasaki. I had already completed a  year of British Literature which covered everything from Chaucer to Orwell. I took an Asian literature class only to satisfy a multi-cultural requirement. I went in with low expectations. However, as much as I tried to resist liking The Tale of Genji , I can honestly say that no book has left such an impression. I remain haunted by its sensitive, melancholy, and psychological aspects. The Tale of Genji in case you're not aware is considered the world's first novel and Japan's most exquisite piece of classical literature. It was written by a noblewoman in the 11th century and chronicled the life of a conflicted, philandering Prince in the Heian court.  For years, I've joked about writing fan fiction to support this ancient tale. In Tension , Ben is the descendant of Prince Genji and struggles as an Asian American in the contemporary United States. He briefly encount