
Showing posts from September, 2020

Special Thanks to my editor, Nina Denison for her work on Lucifina: The Belle of Hell

Having written two other books and worked with over three professional editors, I knew exactly what I wanted in a proofer for my third novel ---   Lucifina: The Belle of Hell . Nina Denison was my ideal candidate because of her impressive undergraduate degree in English literature and years of professional publishing experience. However, I was most intrigued by her background in poetry, experience editing cookbooks, and understanding of the YA market. Of everyone I contacted, Nina wrote back with the most enthusiasm and undertook her task of proofing with the utmost care. I was very impressed with her work. She was extremely methodical. In fact, I suspect she may have read my book twice. I've read Lucifina twice after receiving her edits and found no errors. This is rare. Nina was also extremely generous. She gave me a line --- the rain continued its drumbeats on the roof. She also offered developmental guidance, which ultimately changed the ending of my book. Nina's encouragem