Firm Resolve Further Explanation

After watching Gaddafi butchered alive, I pulled out a notepad and created an outline for my book Firm Resolve. I divided the book into five sections and carefully broke each part into chapters and sub-chapters before writing. Part 1 was inspired by the disappearance of CIA agent Jim Thompson. Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte was a heavy influence for much of the book. Corporal King from King Rat, stories about Vietnam, and the Iran Contra Affair inspired Natalia's father, Aaron Walker, and the backdrop of the entire story. I was also influenced by the structure and style of Jean Rhys’s Wide Sargasso Sea, which is about a Victorian marriage in the Caribbean. There are several plots in Firm Resolve — 1.) The disappearance of Natalia’s parents, 2.) How Natalia survived in the intervening years and changes from a fiery young woman into a very determined agent and why she disappears, and 3.) Curt Steiger’s fraudulent business activities as a pharmaceutical startup founder. The d...