Crichton's State of Fear

Crichton's State of Fear is an action-adventure about eco-terrorism and an impending global catastrophe.

The main character is Peter Evans, a big firm environmental lawyer. His main client is an eccentric wealthy donor named George Morton. Morton mysteriously disappears after pulling substantial funding from an environmental organization. The goal of NERF is to wage a trillion-dollar lawsuit based on global warming evidence.

Evans is a nice guy. However, he's relatively passive in his approach to life, whether it be in his acceptance of mainstream propaganda or his relationships with women. His encounters are casual and not exactly meaningful.

At one point, Evans is interested in a lawyer, Jennifer Haynes from D.C. But he doesn't pursue her because he assumes it'll never work out. Throughout the book, Evans is in love with Morton's assistant, Sarah Jones, a beautiful blonde from the Bay Area. But instead of taking charge, he whines that Sarah isn't interested in him. His attitude is fairly entitled. It's as if because Evans exists and is a nice guy that a woman like Sarah should automatically be attracted to him.

Meanwhile, Sarah is caught up in a passionate affair with a Hollywood actor. When the world is safe and boring, the celebrity fills her need for excitement. However, when chaos erupts, Sarah admires Kenner, a sharp-minded Government agent who speaks with conviction and certainty. Security replaces her desire for adventure.

The characters struggle as they continuously encounter environmental chaos throughout the world. Yet, always have time for heated political debates about the environment.

There are a lot of issues going on in State of Fear. Most people will focus on the global warming debate. While others will focus on the power of misinformation, however, Crichton also seems to be mocking the gender stereotypes of Gen Xers.

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